Biochar Stormwater Mitigation Seeing Positive Results

Biochar Stormwater Mitigation Seeing Positive Results

(Pictured: electron microscope photograph of biochar structure) Beginning in 2014, the Port – and many partners, including the Port Townsend Paper Company – began a feasibility study regarding the use of a biochar filter media to remove copper, zinc, and lead from...
Free Boatyard Pollution Prevention Workshop October 10

Free Boatyard Pollution Prevention Workshop October 10

The Port, in collaboration with Washington Sea Grant, the School of Wooden Boat Building, and the State of Washington Department of Ecology, will be presenting a free workshop on October 10, 2015 on “Pollution Prevention Compliance While Working in a...
2016 Port of Port Townsend Draft Operating Budget

2016 Port of Port Townsend Draft Operating Budget

The Port of Port Townsend’s 2016 operating budget is currently being discussed by Port Commissioners. Click below to view or download the draft budget. (For current budget documents, click here: 2016...
Boat Haven Boat Ramp Expansion Begins in October

Boat Haven Boat Ramp Expansion Begins in October

Work is just about to begin on the expansion of the boat ramp at the Port of Port Townsend’s Boat Haven location. The expansion involves an additional 18 foot width to the ramp and a six foot wide handling float on the southwestern side of the ramp. This will...
Capital Maintenance Projects, 2007-2015

Capital Maintenance Projects, 2007-2015

An important issue to the Port – and thus to every citizen of Jefferson County – is the state of the Port facilities and infrastructure. To provide citizens with the facts, we’ve compiled a list of each of the 47 different capital maintenance projects the Port has...
Don’t Miss the 2015 Wooden Boat Festival!

Don’t Miss the 2015 Wooden Boat Festival!

Now in its 39th year, Port Townsend Wooden Boat Festival is the most educational and inspiring wooden boat event in the world. The Port invites you to come down to “wooden boat central” at Point Hudson, September 11 through 13, from 9 am to midnight on...