Moorage Waitlist Form & Information

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Moorage Waiting List Procedures

A non-refundable fee in the amount of $100.00 will be required in order to be placed on the waiting list. All applicants that sign up after June 1st of the previous year will be charged an annual renewal fee in the amount of $50.00 in the first week of January. The renewal fees must be paid by March 1 of that same year.

Please note: All rates are subject to change upon Commission decision.

Applicant is responsible for keeping the Port advised of current address and telephone numbers, and informing the Port of any changes in any information on the waiting list application. It is also the applicant’s responsibility to provide an alternate contact for use by the moorage office in the event that moorage becomes available and the applicant cannot be reached at the primary address.

When your name is at the top of the list, you are given ten (10) days in which to respond. If there is no response, we will go to the next person on that list, and you will be dropped to the bottom of the list.

  • Submission of application signifies acknowledgement of having read, understood, and agreed to comply with the Waiting List Policies as outlined in Port Rules & Regulations.

Moorage Wait Lists are based on OAL – overall length.

  • OAL: Total linear measurement in feet and inches from the pointy and rearward to the furthermost protruding object OVERALL LENGTH
  • LOD: Boat Builders LENGTH ON DECK
  • WLL: Fish eye view WATERLINE LENGTH



Dimensional Considerations

  • Berthage is assigned by Moorage Management with regard to vessel’s overall length (OAL) and beam. The OAL of a vessel shall be the measurement from the extreme point of the bow to the extreme point of the stern, including all gear and appurtenances (See Rules and Regulations).
  • No vessel shall exceed the maximum length or allowable width of any assigned berth, except as may be permitted at the discretion of the Harbor Master, consistent with necessary vessel maneuvering and safety considerations (See Rules and Regulations).
  • Vessel size requirements for Pleasure and Commercial Slips:
Slip Designation Max OAL Max Beam
25′ 25′ 8′
27′ 27′ 8′
30′ (A/B Docks) 30′ 10′
34′ (C/D Docks) 32′ 10′
35′ 35′ 10′
40′ (B Docks) 40′ 12′
42′ (C/D Docks) 42′ 12′
45′ (A/B Docks) 45′ 14′
50′ 52′ 16′

Moorage Slip & Airplane Hangar Waitlist as of December 8, 2023

(Click on the number under “# on Waitlist” to see the list for that waitlist.):

25′ – 27’…………………………31
30′ – 34’………………………..48
40′ – 42’………………………..63

Moorage Waiting List Form

  • Requests for business or commercial moorage will require you to provide a copy of your current business/commercial license to the Administration office.