The Port, in collaboration with Washington Sea Grant, the School of Wooden Boat Building, and the State of Washington Department of Ecology, will be presenting a free workshop on October 10, 2015 on “Pollution Prevention Compliance While Working in a Boatyard.”
The workshop will provide know-how for current and future contractors and DIYers on boatyard best management practices. We’ll cover the hows and whys of BMPs for conducting vessel maintenance and repair at the Boat Haven, and explore the many ways to get your work done with as little investment in time and tools as possible, while still protecting the environment.
The workshop will run from 9am – 2pm. The first half begins at the NW Maritime Center at 431 Water Street. The second half of the workshop will be conducted at the Boat Haven Boatyard, 2790 Washington Street.
If you have questions or would like more information, please contact Al Cairns at, or 360.301.2225.