Port Commission Retreat

The Port of Port Townsend Commissioners and Leadership Team will meet for a Commission Retreat on Wednesday, March 26 and Thursday, March 27, 2025 from 10am-3:00pm each day at the Port Townsend Aero Museum Library at 105 Airport Road, Port Townsend. The retreat is...

Port Workshop and Business Meeting

The Agenda and Meeting Materials for the Public Workshop & Regular Meeting of the Port Commission on March 12 have been posted. The Port Commission has two meetings scheduled for Wednesday, March 12. The 9:30 a.m. workshop agenda topics are a project briefing on...

Port Commission Regular Meeting

The Agenda and Meeting Materials for the Regular Meeting of the Port Commission on February 26 have been posted. The Port Commission has one meeting scheduled for Wednesday, February 26. At 5:30 p.m., meeting topics to be considered are regular items including...

Intergovernmental Collaborative Group Meeting

The Port as part of the Intergovernmental Collaborative Group (City of Port Townsend, Jefferson County, and Jefferson County Public Utility District) will meet on Thursday, February 20 at 5pm for two topics:  a presentation by the EDC of Jefferson County, discussion...

Removal of Poplars Near Sims Way Boat Yard is Pending

The work of removing Lombardy poplar trees along the south side of Sims Way is anticipated to begin this spring. Electrocution risks to boatyard workers, and electrical arcing from nearby high-voltage transmission lines to the aging poplars, prompted a coalition of...

Port Workshop and Business Meeting

The Agenda and Meeting Materials for the Public Workshop & Regular Meeting of the Port Commission on February 12 have been posted. The Port Commission has two meetings scheduled for Wednesday, February 12. The 9:30 a.m. workshop agenda topics are:  North Boat Yard...