The Agenda and Meeting Materials for the Public Workshop & Regular Meeting of the Port Commission on July 10 have been posted. The Port Commission has two meetings scheduled for Wednesday, July 10.

The 9:30 a.m. workshop agenda items are Short Farm Presentation and Commissioner Roundtable.

At 1:00 p.m., meeting topics are:  Resolution Cancelling Warrants, Resolution Authorizing Sale of Vessel St. Peter, Authorization of Agreement with AHBL for Rural Light Industrial Park for Professional Design Engineering Services at Jefferson County International Airport, Review and Approval of 2025 Budget Schedule and Process, Best Coast Canvas, Inc. Amendment No. 1, March 2024 Year-to-Date Financials, Harbormaster Report, and Resolution Adopting Short’s Family Farm Plan.

The full meeting agenda is here and the public is invited to attend either in person or online. (See below*.)

For instructions, agenda and meeting materials go to the event sites by clicking below:
For the Public Workshop at 9:30 a.m. click here
For the Regular Meeting at 1:00 p.m. click here

The Port will be meeting in person at the Point Hudson Pavilion Building at 355 Hudson Street and also online.  To attend the meeting online, you may join by clicking here, or go to, click on “Join a Meeting” and use Webinar ID 862 6904 3651, password 911887.  You may also or call (253) 215-8782 and use Webinar ID: 862 6904 3651, Password: 911887.

The Port welcomes your comments!  To send a public comment for the workshop or business meeting, e-mail the Port at two hours prior to the meeting.  You may also “raise your hand” during the live Public Comment portion of the agenda (either in person, or online).

If you need more detailed instruction on how to attend this Zoom meeting, Click Here.  If you have any questions, please feel free to call Joanna at the Port Admin. Office at 360-385-2323.