The Port of Port Townsend is currently assessing and evaluating all Port physical facilities, to help inform a capital facilities plan in time for the upcoming budget process.
The Port has hired civil engineer Harold Andersen to perform an inventory asset of all Port facilities. Additionally, he will be estimating the expected useful life of our facilities, and where appropriate, assemble a cost estimate for repair or rebuild of facilities in-need.
Having objective information on facilities conditions will give Commissioners a new set of tools to help make informed decisions about allocation of Port resources.
While his work is ongoing, Anderson has visited most Port facilities and has already developed an initial list of needs that is being refined and developed.
Point Hudson has a variety of issues that have been identified so far, including the breakwater replacement, multiple asbestos roof replacements, and repair of the Armory Building.
At Boat Haven, some of the capital facility needs include net float replacement, C & D dock repair, several roof replacements, and restroom renovation. The Boat Haven breakwater also needs evaluation.
In Quilcene, needs include dock replacement and restroom/office building renovation.
At the Jefferson County International Airport, the WWII Tailspin Tommy hangar requires significant exterior maintenance.
In addition to his work on the capital facilities plan, Anderson evaluated the New Day fisheries building, designed the post repair for the Union Wharf roof, and is developing concepts for a new storm water pump station.
The capital budget will be developed and voted on in November.
Harold Andersen has over 40 years of experience in the civil engineering profession. The majority of this time has been as a consultant in private practice. He has also worked for state and county government and served with the US Army Corp of Engineers. Prior to opening Quadra SP in Port Townsend, Andersen was the principal owner and founder of Quadra Engineering, Inc. in Sequim. An avid mariner, he lived on his 50 ft boat ‘Shadow’ – a wooden ex-Navy utility vessel for 25 years, including a winter in Boat Haven in 1986-1987. He is also a determined mountain bike rider “with the scars to show it.”