My how time flies! The Port of Port Townsend has been under new management for around 6 months. In that time we’ve gotten to know many of you in the marine trades, but we also recognize that it is sometimes difficult to carve out time during the workday for a “get to know you” session.

On March 2, 2017, the Port is hosting an informal “Meet and Greet” event at the Port Townsend Brewery. Executive Director Sam Gibboney and Director of Operations & Business Development Greg Englin invite all marine trades to have a beverage, learn what’s new, and put names, faces and handshakes together.

We hope you can join us.

Port Marine Trades Meet & Greet
Thursday, March 2, 2017 at 5:00 p.m.
Port Townsend Brewery (this is a no-host bar)