Port of Port Townsend
Special Public Workshop
Monday, May 9, 2016, 9:30 a.m.
Commission Building
333 Benedict Street
Port Townsend, WA


  • Mapletree LLC:

Mr. Paul Schutt has proposed the construction of up to three residential units on property adjacent to our Maintenance Shop at the west end of the Boatyard. He has provided the commissioners with copies of his proposal. Mr. Schutt has asked for an opportunity to make a presentation to the Commission.

  • Executive Session Workshop:

The Commission will adjourn to executive session per RCW 42.30.110 (g) to discuss qualifications of applicants for public employment.


Note: This is a Public Port Commission Workshop. Workshops are for information sharing only and no decisions will be made during the session. Public input may be taken at the Commissions’ discretion.