Executive Director Eron Berg of the Port of Port Townsend is inviting Port-based workers and other residents to join him for informal chats over coffee that start Wednesday, Sept. 20 at 9 a.m.

These “Drinks with the Director” will occur the third Wednesday of every month at Sunrise Coffee, based at the edge of the Boat Haven Marina, for as long as folks come with ideas to talk over with Berg.

“I’m looking forward to casual conversations about what’s happening at the Port,” said Berg. “It’s one more way for people to let us know what’s going on, or if they have questions, to get answers.” The coffee conversations are expected to focus primarily on those who work in and around the Port, said Berg, but are open to anyone.

He’s set it for the morning in the hope that it’s a good time for Port workers to take a break and get some locally-made Sunrise coffee.

Future dates already set are Oct. 18 and Nov. 15, Berg said. Sunrise Coffee is at 308 10th Street, next to Sims Way on the Boat Haven side of the Safeway traffic light.