- This event has passed.
Regular Business Meeting
May 13, 2020 @ 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Port of Port Townsend Commission Meeting 05.13.2020
Wednesday, May 13, 2020 from 1:00 PM to approximately 2:00 PM.
This meeting will only be accessible remotely, as per Governor’s Proclamation 20-28. Open public commission meetings will be held virtually through ZOOM Cloud Meetings.
If you have a question or comment for the Commission, please submit it by 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday, May 13, by emailing info@portofpt.com or calling (360) 385-0656.
Agenda can be found below instructions.
Online Meeting Instructions: (click here for detailed instructions)
Go to Zoom.us – Click on “Join a Meeting” and enter the Webinar ID: 828 4772 5704 or click this direct link: https://zoom.us/j/82847725704 (you will be asked to register).
Telephone: if you don’t have a laptop or a smart phone, you can call in to this number: 1 253-215-8782 & use Webinar ID: 828 4772 5704. Please be aware that calling in to the meeting will only allow you to listen, it will not allow you to participate or speak.
If you have a question or comment for the Commission, please submit it by 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday, May 13 by emailing info@portofpt.com or calling (360) 385-0656. You may also raise your hand during the public comment portion of the meeting to make a comment live. (see detailed instructions and other ways to connect with us.)
Port of Port Townsend
Regular Commission Meeting Agenda
— Click here for Meeting Agenda and Materials Packet
— Click here for late submission to the Materials Packet (Item VII.C.)
Wednesday, May 13, 2020, at 1:00 p.m.
link directly via Zoom.us — or call (253) 215 8782 — and use ID: 828 4772 5704
This meeting will only be accessible remotely, as per Governor’s Proclamation 20-28.
I. Call to Order / Pledge of Allegiance
II. Approval of Agenda
III. Public Comments
IV. Consent Agenda
A. Approval of Regular Business Meeting Minutes – April 22, 2020
B. Approval of Warrants
V. Second Reading – none
VI. First Reading
A. Approval of rate for newly acquired covered yard space(2)
VII. Regular Business
A. Covid-19 Update – Request for Ratification of Emergency Order 2020-07(2)
B. New Lease for Hanson of Port Townsend, Inc.(1)
C. Discussion and possible recommendation to Jefferson County Public Health Board about possible variance and reopening plan (late materials):
- Staff presentation of late materials
- Public comments (written or via Zoom, limited to 3 minutes per person)
- Commission discussion/possible action
VIII. Staff Comments
IX. Commissioner Comments
X. Next Public Regular Business Meeting: Wednesday, May 27, 2020. Meeting at 5:30 PM, Via Zoom
XI. Executive Session – none
XII. Adjournment
Informational Items: none
Please note: Governor’s Proclamation 20-28 re Open Public Meetings Act states, “Subject to the conditions for conducting any meeting as required above, agencies are further prohibited from taking “action,” as defined in RCW 42.30.020, unless those matters are necessary and routine matters or are matters necessary to respond to the COVID-19 outbreak and the current public health emergency, until such time as regular public participation under the Open Public Meetings Act is possible.”
Agenda items are marked with numbers to show which of these criteria they meet: (1) necessary & routine matters (2) matters necessary to respond to the COVID-19 outbreak and the current public health emergency
Click here for an audio recording of the May 13 Commission Meeting.